Friday, September 12, 2008

New Kids on the Block.!!!!!

Shauna sent me a package today and I tore it open because I have been anticipating it for more than a week! It was filled with the new NKOTB CD and their greatest hits one and the DVD!!!! AHHHH I am so excited. I literally screamed like a little girl, ran around the house, stuck the new CD in the computer and immediately 1. downloaded it. 2. played it. Aaron was in the bathroom shaving while I was a little girl jumping up and down on the couch dancing along to it. I can't wait for the concert...YES.... I am going to the concert! Ok to make it worse, here is a video of me all excited and dancing like a fool.

Thursday, September 11, 2008



Almost Friday....

The only good thing about Friday being tomorrow is that I know, I will feel relieved and free at the end of the day. The worst part about Friday being tomorrow, is that I still have to work for 8....well 7 hours, and I still have to get up at the butt crack of dawn. gross.

So my ebay shoes came in the mail this evening, and I can now honestly say that " I have walked in someone else's shoes". It is kind of weird knowing that someone else's feet were in these shoes. and it is kind of interesting at the same time thinking about the places where they have been. Maybe she was some rich chick and these shoes drove in a Porsche and danced the night away in the Miami night life. they have worn toes so I don't imagine she was "rich" because if I was rich I sure as hell would have only worn these twice, if that, and then chucked them to the goodwill. So maybe she is just a simpleton like me. So Here is a picture of the new-old shoes that I am currently wearing and probably will be wearing tomorrow as well- Hello! It's something new. Don't you always have to wear your "new" things the very first opportunity that you get? Even if it is mildly inappropriate for the occasion (which by the way, these are NOT, they will look great with my casual Friday jeans!)?

...Sara get me that picture of me in the jazzercise outfit and I will post it to yesterday's blog!...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pelvic Thrusts....Trust me it's not as bad as it sounds...or maybe it is...

...So One day I am going to have to post a picture on here, of myself, that I really don't want to....Especially after tonight's blog. And if I had it on my computer I would probably post it for all three of you who read this....

I am taking a Pilates class through the jr. college. It is one hell of a work out. Tonight we did hip thrusts. I couldn't help but think, if I only had a friend in here we would be dying laughing! Sarah or Erin on Shauna can you imagine laying on the ground, knees bent, hands flat by your butt, pushing your pelvis into the air, "and lift and release, and lift...and release...and squeeze the buttox...and you feel it in your abdomen?!" It is like the laughter is hardly containable!!!! And then the only other thing I could think of was Jane Fonda, and putting my mom's work out video in and doing the whole work out when I was 7...and what's worse, I actually have my mom's WAY high cut leotard and the metallic super skin tight leggings to go with the video- STILL! This brings me to the picture that I want to post (why, I am just not quite sure, but maybe to give you a glimpse into who I really am....or whatever), The picture has me wearing that outfit, and if you have it, email it to me....I have worn it several times, so I know SEVERAL people have it, sad-but true. One day that will be all I will post, just that picture. -Man the anticipation you must be feeling!!! But you will have to wait.

Not much else to say, other than Erin S. is writing a book and I told her at some point I would post about it. It is about a girl and a boy and tonight I found out that it will be somewhat based at UC Berekely (god i hate spelling that word, i never know if I put enough "e"'s in there). Sweet, I am sure more is to come. Actually, we may start our own blog and/or podcast, but more to come on that too....we are funny, you know....

UPDATE!: For all of you who were dying to see "The Picture" Here it is.
Disclaimer, 1. this was not the first time I wore this outfit (nor was it the last, and I am sad to say all of that) 2. This instance was a bet, at the end of my freshman year in college I was supposed to get $5.00 for going out in the public green and do some jazzercise moves...needless to say my "friends" never paid me, after I did it and THOROUGHLY embarrassed myself.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Followers....Leave a comment....

Just one more thing... My Sister is the first follower of this blog! Where are the rest of you retards who are reading this blog....Erin, Erin, Sara, and the lot of you! Become a follower on d- Left hand side and Leave comments on my posts, i know YOU have something to say....!!!!!

EDITING- I am THE retard who didn't realize that there is a tiny button at the bottom of each posting that says "# comments". IDIOT! I really thought that it would just show below what your comments are....i gotta figure that one out...

Ok, Peace out!....

It's only Tuesday....Damn!

...The sad truth is that I am home and not doing anything better than posting my thoughts on a blog. Lame.

Just finished watching last night's episode of One Tree Hill. Why the hell is that show so addicting?! I have watched every episode (save for maybe 2 that I missed like three years ago before there was TIVO!- Thank God for TIVO....or my knock of version, provided by the ever-overpriced Comast) and can never wait for the next one. I always hate the season finally's because #1 it is always a cliff hanger and I am like "YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE ME WAIT THE WHOLE SUMMER TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS?!- SUCK!!!!!!" AND #2 I am alwasy scared that they are going to cancel the show before the next season and it is going to be another "My So Called Life" (oooo good name for a blog, maybe I will switch mine....)- HOLD ON JUST ONE SECOND! I was just flipping back to itunes to switch the song and last nights One Tree Hill episode was NUMBER 2 on the most downloaded! Praise Jesus! I NOW HAVE FAITH MY SHOW WON'T GET CANCELLED. Thank God for Itunes! - and now back to what i was saying- Where you have no idea what the hell was going to happen, if the dad really did cheat on the mom, and if ricki....oh lord, my pathetic, pathetic life...I will say no more, I have already embarrassed myself enough for one night... I won't even begin to go into how I had tears in my eyes watching the previews for next week!!!!

Don't say anything...

Monday, September 8, 2008

What the Hell?....

...That's what Aaron is saying right now as our Comcast Cable is skipping through his english narrated program about someone's house....I have NO IDEA! "OOOO Basil! He inherited a Castle..." hmph, that's interesting.

So I was on the Taylor's Blog today. Check it out if you have time Erin is prego and needed a nap this weekend, thank God she got it! I needed a nap today. I think I jinxed myself last night when I was "loathing monday", I should NOT have done that becuase today ROYALLY SUCKED! There is nothing like being so tired that you literally can't make it through with out that oh-so-invigorating cup of Joe and then being short staffed, and told to your damn work "SELL SELL SELL" and not to get any of it done becuase your Fing phone won't stop ringing. I felt bad for my receptionist today, because by 11:00 I was answering "you've got to be kidding me!" I can't wait for my other collegue to be back tomorrow and Thursday I get to sleep in an hour (yippee!)....just to leave an hour later (SUCK!).

Well I bought my very first item on ebay! I am such a dork. I went to my dad's house so he could show me "the tricks" to getting what you want on ebay. If we had a video camera on us you would have been laughing so hard (especially Sara Lunde!). Let me just tell you how it went down. My dad has this timed to a tee. This man is amazing he sits there until there is like 3 minutes left in the auction, then he starts refreshing the page as he is watching his MOPAR clock with. When the thir had hits at 1/4 hour incriment he hits refresh, to time 1. how long it takes the page to reload (for your purchase of corse...) and two to see and what point the auction will end. So if the you hit refresh at the 12 #1 the page refreshes at 1 second after the 1 you know that is where you will need to be. and #2 the time on the "end auction" counter says 2 minutes 34 seconds you know that you need to be....somewhere....I have already forgot and if I thought about it more...I still wouldn't care...welll maybe a little bit. The point is we were both hovered over the computer he is talking about bidder n***r like "she" is out to get us (of course it is a she because duh it's a pair of women's shoes....I thought he, but we will go with his instinct) and I have seriously butterflies, getting all clamy and sweaty like it is the end of the world and we have to get these dang BCBG Shoes or it will all be over (...oh just wait....we lost one auction that was hilarious!) so here we go it is down to the 3 on the clock and my dad starts clicking the button, it doesn't work we have go back and then click again and then.....WE WIN! but no time to celebrate because we got to get the white shoes too that n***r is bidding on (that biatch~haha). I won't take you through the painful loosing details, but I guess I didn't "click the button enough times" (isn't one time all you need?) so we lost. you should have seen my dad. He SHOOTS up out of his chair "DANG IT!!!!!!" he's all mad, it was hilarious! I was all "dad, it's not a big deal, I didn't want to pay $30 for those shoes anyway, and there will be more".

I will just leave you with that totally sad sad sad truth to my life! hahaha! Good luck Tuesday, Let's hope it is much better than Monday....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Posting on Ebay

...SO...I just listed my first item for sale on ebay...what the F! That took So friggin long! They don't make it easy, but like Aaron says, I only had to do it once. Even the Easy as "1-2-3" wasn't that easy considering I had to link up my paypal account, ebay had to call me, and I had to give them another friggin credit card! Oh well its over. Thank God!

So you are probably wondering what I listed?..No, ok then, I don't care either (but for you inquisitive people, it is a "gently used" cell phone battery.- will it sell...probably I just wasted a whole dang hour of my life- I'll get over it....i guess).

I am bidding for the like, maybe 5th time in my life (have had the ebay account for about 7 years) on two pairs of SUPER CUTE! BCBG Girls shoes, and already I am out bid on the pair that I really want! dang! Ok so should I bid $25.00? Probably would be a good idea...but I will play the game (ok my DAD of all people taught me "the game" of ebay...I feel way out of touch!) and wait till the last minute to put in my more than likely, $30.00!!! dollar bid, to win the shoes and then find them for $15.00 in Marshall's next week. That's life right?- SUCK! The black ones are cute, so hopefully I get those for $5.00 - SWEET! so life balances out in ebay land...well kind of.

Well this weekend was another bust, except for the fact that....what the heck am I listening too - country- hold on gotta change this-betohven (sp whatever!)- carrie- more classical- wierd stuff-Beastie Boys- DONE!...where was I? Oh right... I WON THE FRIGGIN BAKING CONTEST! My Ugglier than heck brownies beat out, carrot cake, banana whoopy pies and some totally awesome butterscotch layered something! Ladies and Gentlemen (who am I kidding no one reads this)...-To Me- Presentation counts for NOTHING when you reach the heart of men through their all ends up in the same place.

Alrighty peeps (just kidding I hate that too)- me (remember no one reads this) there sure is a whole lot funnier stuff than that crap I just blogged about -
peace out yo!-

p.s. I hate mondays and it's only sunday. Is that a bad way to start the week?