Friday, August 14, 2009

Last Sunday....We DEMO'd

Well last weekend wasn't a total waste. I actually got a chance to get out of the house on Sunday. I was feeling much better and so I told Aaron- "we are leaving as soon as I finish getting ready!" We headed out at 9:30 to Sonic burger for a cherry slush, then ran over to say "howdy" to Erin and see her new place, then we ran a couple more errands and finally I kicked Aaron to the curb and went back to Erin S.'s and we demo'd the closet!
We had such a blast! Her dad and Nate were there, but us Ladies did a lot of the hard work. Erin and I took off the door, I took out all the tackboarding from the carpet and we all had a hand in the destruction of the closet.
There's nothing more satisfing than slinging an ax through a wall...and not getting in trouble for it! hahah!
The picture to the side is a little collage of our successful day. It took about 3 hours to bring the whole thing down. Nate rewarded us with his mom's Taco Salad....MMMMMMM!!!!!! And we all pretty much collapsed....well sorta.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Pictures!

Well le top is back at it again! Our company is getting ready to re-launch our Daily Darlings segment of the blog, where a new baby's face appears each morning on the Daily Darlings page. We are in GREAT need of baby and kid pictures. Please send me your kids, nieces, nephews, friends, etc baby & kid pictures (the more the merrier). If you are sending a friends childs picture in, please make sure you have thier permission to do so. Please make sure all picture submissions are in JPEG format. Once your "baby/kid" has been scheduled to post I will email you letting you know so that you can share this 15 minutes of fame with your family and friends. Always feel free to comment, and check out all my postings at

Sunday, August 9, 2009


There won't be much to post this week as I missed all the fun events- I had the 24 hr flu. Sucky!
I came home from work on Friday just totally exhausted, achey, & fatiqued. I slept pretty much till Saturday morning, moved my self to the couch, attempted to watch some TV and slept till almost 3pm. I finally started feeling somewhat better, but remaind on the couch the rest of the evening, forced aaron to take me with him when he went to pick up a pizza for dinner so I could at least breathe some fresh air and think about the beautiful day I had missed. Today I woke up at 6:45AM-wide awake! I am feeling pretty much my regular self today, thank God! I think I am going to head out and help Erin S. with her new place. Enjoy your Sunday!
Missed: Davina's Birthday, Erin's Key Acquring Party for her new home, and a absolutely spetacular Saturday- weather wise...

SUCKY!!! I hate being sick on a weekend!!!!!!!!