Being a new mom means "no sleep". This is ok until you have to go back to work, like I did last week. Let me just say though, that is wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.- Thank God. I checked in with Aaron once or twice a day, and the rest of the time I was busy getting my feet wet and back in the saddle. I think, in all reality, the transition was a little harder for Aaron than for me. I think he was pretty pooped, and overwhelmed. I think it was Wednesday when I came home and he said "There was so many things I wanted to do today, but I just didn't know when [Elijah] was going to cry, so I did nothing". HAHAHA I just had to laugh. I think he has the hang of it now. Thursday he had a nice full day: They went to coffee in the morning and then the Hardware store (where any respectable father and son would go on an outing together) and then I think we went out to dinner!
Ok back to the sleep thing, because I just have to share with you how proud I am of myself and my son! Of the last 12 nights we have had 7 nights with Elijah "sleeping through the night" Granted this does NOT mean that he slept 10 hours or even eight for that fact, but 5-6 hours! That is an accomplishment! If I can wake up at 4 or 5 am not not 2 or 3 am AND 5 am, I am a happy camper! The real accomplishment though was this weekend when E slept 11-5 two nights in a row without me having to get up to even re-swaddle him!
And just when I thought we had a routine down and this kid would sleep through the night EVERY night....he woke up at 3:15 am this morning- bright eyed and bushy tailed and decided that he was going to stay up and coo to himself until 4:30- UGH!
Day 2 - Pre baby
6 years ago