Wednesday, May 11, 2011

DeMers Family Sing Along...Play Along....something like that!

We ended our fab. mother's day over at the Family's house.  All the kids got together and started playing different instruments to fun tunes.  Tim decided he would try to play two, then three instruments at one time.  Needless to say it was fun and funny!!!  Here is a clip!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Well I had my first mother's day this past Sunday!  How neat!  It really didn't feel like I was a mother, but I will come to grips with that! haha!
My Dad and Aunts and Uncles went in on a BEAUTIFUL Floral arrangement to honor me, which was so sweet!  I just had to share it, because it was that pretty!!!
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there!