Sunday, September 7, 2008

Posting on Ebay

...SO...I just listed my first item for sale on ebay...what the F! That took So friggin long! They don't make it easy, but like Aaron says, I only had to do it once. Even the Easy as "1-2-3" wasn't that easy considering I had to link up my paypal account, ebay had to call me, and I had to give them another friggin credit card! Oh well its over. Thank God!

So you are probably wondering what I listed?..No, ok then, I don't care either (but for you inquisitive people, it is a "gently used" cell phone battery.- will it sell...probably I just wasted a whole dang hour of my life- I'll get over it....i guess).

I am bidding for the like, maybe 5th time in my life (have had the ebay account for about 7 years) on two pairs of SUPER CUTE! BCBG Girls shoes, and already I am out bid on the pair that I really want! dang! Ok so should I bid $25.00? Probably would be a good idea...but I will play the game (ok my DAD of all people taught me "the game" of ebay...I feel way out of touch!) and wait till the last minute to put in my more than likely, $30.00!!! dollar bid, to win the shoes and then find them for $15.00 in Marshall's next week. That's life right?- SUCK! The black ones are cute, so hopefully I get those for $5.00 - SWEET! so life balances out in ebay land...well kind of.

Well this weekend was another bust, except for the fact that....what the heck am I listening too - country- hold on gotta change this-betohven (sp whatever!)- carrie- more classical- wierd stuff-Beastie Boys- DONE!...where was I? Oh right... I WON THE FRIGGIN BAKING CONTEST! My Ugglier than heck brownies beat out, carrot cake, banana whoopy pies and some totally awesome butterscotch layered something! Ladies and Gentlemen (who am I kidding no one reads this)...-To Me- Presentation counts for NOTHING when you reach the heart of men through their all ends up in the same place.

Alrighty peeps (just kidding I hate that too)- me (remember no one reads this) there sure is a whole lot funnier stuff than that crap I just blogged about -
peace out yo!-

p.s. I hate mondays and it's only sunday. Is that a bad way to start the week?


  1. I know sad I lost he he he. Well me and Jos won on presentaion.

  2. possibly a bad way to start out the week but if it makes you feel better I hate everyday of the week but Saturday.

    Mom says, "EVERY DAY IS SATURDAY!!!!"

    what a jerk, right?

  3. My Mom Sucks! I want to be retired and finishing the work on my dream house, lying next to the pool! Damn I need to win the loto...
