Thursday, October 22, 2009

Watching Emma Grow Up

This past weekend when we were in Stockton at Joanie and Robinson's for the 5K Tiger Dash we were playing with Emma and watching her grow up and move on to her next stage. She is REALLY close to crawling! We were teasing Erin T. that she would be crawling in the next week. She "Army Crawls" as Erin calls it, on her stomach. It is so cute! She can ALMOST get her legs under her but hasn't quite figured that out yet. Here is a video we captured. Joanie is so bad! She kept putting Emmas legs under her trying to coax her into a full crawl! HAHAH!!


  1. I love it! Thanks Aunt KK for capturing it all.

  2. So has she started crawling yet?!!!!

  3. Well She army crawls every where but she can get from one side of the room to another this way so I def need to keep and eye on her.
