Monday, September 28, 2009

The Drive to Costa Mesa- WOOt wOOt!

This will be a four or so part blog. So check back each day for a new event from the weekend since that is the only time I can seem to do anything interesting and I HAVE to go to W-O-R-K during the week!

Kaitlin, Kristy (her cousin), Erin S. and I all headed down to a weekend in Costa Mesa spent with Kaitlin's family! We were sooo stoked to go down there that instead of leaving Friday morning we took off after work on Thursday. Our 6:30 departure turned into 7:00...turned in to 8:00... OH WELL! Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow and we were in NO hurry! We made sure to stop off at In-N-Out and get a new found "secret menu" item thanks to Kristi- Double Cooked about a grease bath, but the grils loved them- animal style and all! I had of course the plainest of plain fries and cheesburger! Yum!

We headed out of In N Out about 9:00 and made the long drive down to Costa Mesa in about 5 hours! Woo Hoo! We got in at 2AM to a very welcoming Uncle JD! What a sweet heart he was. He came out and greeted us at our car... I am just glad he found us in the car and not in the middle of the cul-de-sac.....but that is another story......


  1. YES!!! Extra crispy animal style!!!! Yummy!!!

  2. p.s. is that the best picture you have? we all look like crap!
