Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Christmas tradition Kip. style

Every Christmas season mike and jos throw a homemade gift white elephant party. Since they started this 8 years ago the gifts have gotten more and more creative. Last year Aaron and I decided what we would do for this years gift and for once we rembered what we were going to do when the time came around. Aaron and I love watching 30 rock on NBC, there's this guy in there that wears a hat that has an ever changing phrase on it so Aaron made his own version of that hat, it ended up being one of the most sought after gifts. Mine didn't do too bad either. I made a version of my late grandmother's half aprons, one I even sewed panties in to ha ha ha ha!
Jos made a movie poster from the Halloween Broke Back Mountain picture that Aaron and Paul took , to say the least it was hilarious!!!
Here's a look at some of the gifts - I ended up with the beer bong made by erin .

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