Thursday, November 20, 2008


so! Jill got a new job and will be staying the YAY Area!! Thank God Massachusette's doesn't get her back yet...and if we have it our way, they never will!!!! We will marry her off to some hot california surfer and they will have babies and live long and never leave here! hahahaha...she probably has other plans!

So anyway the girls and I had to celebrate this great accomplishment by going "club'n". (tangent- why is it that I never, or maybe once- but that is besides the point- went clubing when I was single. Now that I am married I have been club'n so many times and I can't take anyone ho
me with me except for the guy sitting in the corner just watching me like some stalker (also known as my husband...Aaron! hahahah). Oh well, I wouldn't want any of those losers anyway!

CanI just tell you before you look down at our GREAT! haha, pictures, that we waited 1.25 hours for a freaking cab!!!! we were all so pissed off, we were sober by the time we got back to Jill's because we had waited so long....which was a really good thing anyway!

So here are some pics from our night! hahaha!


  1. Flash the ring!! Flash the ring!!! Haha!!

    I love the picture where we're holding hands!! It was a perfect end to a perfect night!

    Freaking $8.00 burrito at 1:30 in the morning...when pizza was three doors down...I need to learn more patience...

  2. he he he Kristin it looks like you guys had a great time. I miss you what are you doing this weekend? I wanna hang out? Saturday night you guys got any plans?
