Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On To Thursday...

So if you haven't checked out the comments from yesterday, you really must! hahah! Guess what?! I think I actually got some one to read my crappy blog that DOES NOT know me! What are the chances! They didn't like it, clearly, but who cares. Maybe I put a bug in them and they will just feel like they have to come back for more...Or Not.

Ok so the funniest thing-
In pilates class today, we got these new balls- like resistance balls (see picture). And I really wished at the moment that we were squeezing the balls between our thighs that I could be writing this blog live. I almost texted Erin S. that I was "Squeezing a ball between my legs, and NO it wasn't Aaron's (of which he has two, just to clarify)!" hahahaha! Just thought that was funny, oh and the fact that I was "squeezing and releasing the ball, and pumping my hips" all at the same time. Something is just seriously wrong with that.

Well that pretty much does it. This was probably the lameset blog I have left yet. But look to the left and you will see the Erin S. and I will soon be working on a blog that is sure to have you in stiches, everytime (or at least we will be).

Yeah....Peace Out.


  1. So yeah....I always wondered why Jane Fonda made those exercise video's and still wonder why taht exercise is popular. I don't think that there would be anything much funnier than a video of a whole aerobics class doing that set to music....classic.

    p.s. I have a blog now, I know lame right, check it out if you want, or not its called Catering to Faults (dot blogspot dot com) you know the routine. I'm peacing out now I have to get up and go running in the morning, wooo.

  2. you should have texted would have been classic! Haha!! See you tonight for dinner!! Whatcha makin?

  3. Hahaha! Well thanks for clarifying about Aaron. I don't know how you do that class... I would be peeing my pants from trying so hard not to laugh
