Sunday, October 24, 2010


Wow...after a VERY long hiatus (sorry vicki), I am finally back, and hope to be (fingers crossed) a good blogger, staying consistant in my posts! 

The last time I posted was in July and little did Aaron and I know, but we had a big surprise waiting for us that month.  On August fifth we found I was/am PREGNANT!  What an exciting event!  This, ladies and gentlemen, is one main reason why I have been so bad!  No I don't have an excuse like "I was vomiting left and right and good barely drag my butt out of bed" becuase I had a great first trimester, with no sickness (enter all the women  of the world who struggled with this, letting out a loud "DANG THAT WOMAN!!!").  Honestly though, there is a reason why I wasn't sick and I am sure it's because God knew that I would have been the most miserable person to deal with.  I don't throw up...well at least not in recent history and so to think about that being a daily occurance frightens me, and then I let out a big sigh of relief and thank God that I did not have to deal with that.  Whew!

Onward- we are approaching week 16 here (yes I know time is flying...yeah right I wish!) which means another check up on Tuesday morning and hopefully the scheduling of the sonogram that will (fingers crossed again) determine the sex of the baby!  !!!!!   !!!!   !!!!!  AHH!  I am so excited!  I have been a lot more pacient about this coming event than I thought I would be however, it still sits in the back of my mind...or the front, as everyone is starting to ask "what are you having?"  - 'I don't know yet'  - "Do you have a prefernce as to what you want?" - 'Nope, neither of us do, we see great characteristics in either gender, so we are equally excited for both!'  Is my typical answer.... then of course the very next question is "When are you going to find out?"  Well people, we are hoping that we will know right around Thanksgiving!  Isn't that perfect?!!!   I am thinking that we are going to be hush on it until our traditional "what are your thankful for this year", table rounding on that Thursday.  I think I will make everyone else say something first and demand that we are last!   MOOHAHHAHA MOOHAHAHAH! (enter Dr. Evil) hahah! 

Ok that is way too much for you to read, so I will sign off for now.

Peace Out!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Can't wait to find out what you guys are having!!!! So excited for you! I'll remember when to start hounding you to tell me. :) Love the next look!
