Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And I'm Back- Whew!

So you probably thought I had dropped off the planet again! Well fear not I am still around. I have been procrastinating writing as I have been pooped out! I got sick just before new years with a CRAPPY cold that had me on the couch for three+ days (and you ask why couldn't I have writen then? Because I was WAY too busy being sick and watching 90210-original- from the very beginning- whoa Brandon that was some mullet you had!). Then I came back to work to a friendly meeting entitled "New Year New Changes" - we got an hour tacked on to our schedule- sucky! So The past week and half has been 7:30-4:45 and today I didn't get out of there until 5:10! Yuck!
Anyway, so here I am finally writing again, although I am being summoned to the table for dinner- Katie cooked tonight! YES my new excuse for staying out of the Kitchen! Here are some fun pics of Katie - my serving wench- cooking!


  1. Haha! Serving wench... tell Katie she can come to my place any time! Our kitchen is all hers! Lame about the work hour changes... :( I guess you'll have to pass the time emailing me!! :) Love ya! - Sara

  2. my cooking and cleaning services are for hire lol ;0)
