Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday gone and Wednesday to come

I don't feel funny this week. Not that I try or anything, I just think it got off on a bad foot, with Elsa leaving and everything. I guess I should just focus on the positive, and be thankful that I have a job.

Watching "my shows" (gosh I feel like I sound just like a house wife with 10 kids who folds laundry and watches the young and the restless on soap network, 24/7!) sure doesn't help anything, especially since watching the latest One Tree Hill episode, which I cried literally ALL the way through, thank god 90210 was happy and Privileged (GREAT new show on cw) was histarical! I wish I had as much guts as megan smith! I need that "balls" in my life, I should figure out how to do that....stand up for myself. hmmmm....that should be my year-end goal. Unlikely, but a good goal.

OOO and this chill list I have made (and continue to add to) is definitely not helping me "get happy" I need a little "life soundtrack" change....how about....Lenka. That sounds good. "I'm just a little caught in the middle, life is a maze and love is a riddle, I don't know where to go, can't do it alone I've tried..." This song rocks, even if it doesn't sound like it. Check it out on Itunes

Well I won't bore you anymore, cuz today is DEFINITELY a bore...

oooo- 90210 is on... see ya!


  1. haha, oh man. Well, get a mental picture of this: I just found a card Shauna sent me for my birthday 2 years ago. It's a sequence of pictures of the back view of a COMPLETELY naked old OLD man bending over and squatting (butt view, thank God)... anyway, I had a good laugh when I dug it up, hopefully it'll cheer you up too. On a sad note, it seems I can't get any of the new season episodes from CW online here... welcome to Canada.

  2. One Tree Hill was sad....for Brook at least and for Mouth leaving and Q dying, that was awful, but One Tree Hill is like that. I think that they like us to be depressed...rude!

    Love yah sister and don't be dark and twisty... it doesn't suit you. You are a bright and shinny person. it will get better, eventually. I hate that word because eventually never happens soon enough but there you have it all the same.
