Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Day Late But Worth the Wait...

Sorry for no post's yesterday. We went out to Point Reyes up here in Nor. Cal. for a great, very relaxing day on the beach!

Paul almost killed one of the seagulls that was pestering us, he knocked it unconscious for about 1 minute then it was disoriented and threw up and pooped. Thank god there was not some earthy hippy around, he would have definitely been reported to the park service...or something.

Probably the best part of the day was when Aaron and Paul had realized they forgot to bring swim shorts and wanted to go in the water, so David offered up his to Paul and Katie Munn offered HER'S to Aaron, take a look at this video!

Happy Birthday Jill!

Click Here For Pictures from the day!

Peace out yo!

1 comment:

  1. This was a GREAT day! Love the video-it captures it perfectly! :)Too bad you didn't video the seagull incident...
