Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And So It Begins....

...This was the first of the Pre-Wedding celebrations- Kristin G.'s Bachelorette Party!
We had a blast at the A's baseball game which was definitely Kris's cup-of-tea! She loved being able to root on her team and celebrate her pre-nuptuals with us girls. And to boot, the A's won! woot woot...Now if only we had been at the game the next day, we would have got to witness the 19th ever no hitter ever. Oh well we made our own memories that are lasting a la the obnoxious guys you can hear in the background of the "baseball anthem".

vick- ;) thanks for spurring me on to keep writing these! - Love you


  1. You must elaborate on the guys behind us who we started the wave with! Laughed my ass off that day!! Glad to see you posting again :)

  2. Ah yes the lively gentlemen behind us, who wanted to get the wave started but couldn't seem to do it without some even lively girls in front of them...ahem...us! We got the crowd started while the guys behind us yelled at everyone what they were to do. I don't think our 20 attempts at the wave ever created a full Colosseum wave...at best we made it just over half way through the Colosseum.
