Of course, being in the business I see a lot of cool marketing, advertising and packaging ideas. That's where the "shake's" in the starbucks cups seen aside- filled with little clothing items and topped with tissue paper came from. I love this stuff!
I just have this like obsession with these dang clothes, and getting to pick out part of the baby's wardrobe for the next couple of years elates me (not to mention the rather generous discount that I get). I remember my cousin Jess' shower and the basket 'o' clothes I put together for her, it was like watching a kid at Christmas, and the joy it brought to her face and soul, and the utter and genuine appreciation she had for my gift brought a joy within me that was more than I can explain. I guess that it just reaffirms that one of my stronger love language's is Gifts of Giving.
Anyway, it all sounds so material, but if you know me, you know that it doesn't even come close to that. I am just looking forward to Erin's reaction; I hope she likes it.

...and sara- even though we don't get to have a "real" shower for/with you, I am well into your "gift basket".
Peace out yo!
Thank you Kristin the gifts were adorible!!! I love them. Thank you so much for eveything you did fo the shower you are the best. If you wanna help me on sat and sun I will be working on her room. Right now everything is pilled high in the living room.